We can’t wait to welcome you back to Ottawa for CAHSPR 2025, taking place May 27-29, 2025 with a packed day of outstanding pre-conference workshops on May 26. It is going to be awesome! The theme for the 2025 conference is “Charting the Course for Health System Transformation”.
We are delighted to introduce our conference planning committee co-chairs, Emily Gruenwoldt, President & CEO, Children’s Healthcare Canada; Executive Director, Pediatric Chairs of Canada along with Stirling Bryan, President of CAHSPR and Chief Scientific Officer, Michael Smith Health Research BC.
We want to take an opportunity to introduce Emily for those who may not know her. Emily is a trusted voice and passionate champion for Canada’s 8 million kids. As the President & CEO of Children’s Healthcare Canada, a national, non-profit association representing over 50 healthcare delivery organizations serving children, youth and families, she advances a vision for healthy, vibrant children and youth. Emily is also Executive Director of the Pediatric Chairs of Canada, and the Governing Council Co-Chair of Solutions for Kids in Pain (previously, a federally funded Networks Centre of Excellence). She is the co-founder of Emerging Health Leaders and EmpowerHER, two national networks created to advance the development of health systems leaders. Emily is located in Ottawa and is an active participant in health services and policy research, bringing her expertise and leadership to many research initiatives across Canada.
Emily and Stirling are hard at work with the planning committee to develop an excellent program for the health services and policy research community. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information. As you know, the call for abstracts is open and our scientific committee is looking forward to reviewing your abstracts.