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CAHSPR Annual Conference 2020


Please read decision below

The Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) is a multidisciplinary association dedicated to improving health and health care. We take that mandate seriously and it is our highest priority to protect the health of our community, our members, local residents and all those who support our conference. The evolving situation with COVID-19 has led us to reach a unanimous decision to cancel CAHSPR’s annual scientific in person meeting planned for May 26 – 29, 2020 in Saskatoon.

While disappointing to our vibrant community of CAHSPR researchers and policy makers, we believe this decision was unavoidable, and the right decision to make. Cancellation of the conference aligns with public health advice received. In an attempt to limit disruption for our members, we made the decision at this early date, prior to registration opening, and hopefully prior to personal travel plans being made.

We will be spending the coming weeks exploring the possibility of using virtual means to share the outstanding work of CAHSPR 2020 presenters, panelists and participants. We are looking forward to the opportunity to deliver content to members in new ways and we will be looking to you for suggestions. Stay tuned for more information!

We want to close with a note of gratitude. We are grateful for the outstanding dedication of our public health, healthcare and health research colleagues as they work tirelessly to understand this novel virus, to care for those who have been exposed or affected, to identify viable solutions, and to keep Canadians informed with the most up to date and accurate information possible.

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